mad anthony

Rants, politics, and thoughts on politics, technology, life,
and stuff from a generally politically conservative Baltimoron.

Friday, July 11, 2008

madanthony tries a Catholic singles group...

So I noticed a posting in the bulletin of the church I go to for a Catholic singles group having a singles night - being held at a bar that's practically around the corner from my house. I figured I might as well go - I'm not the world's best Catholic, but I still consider it a part of who I am, and I figured it would be worth a shot.

It was a nice group of people, but there was one minor problem - they were all considerably older than me - probably mid-thirties to 50's. Not exactly the age range I was looking for. When I saw singles, I thought it would be people fairly close to my age, but it wasn't.

I thought it would be a good outlet for me, and I'm disappointed that it wasn't. However, it was a decent group of people - and it wasn't like they spent the whole time talking about religion or anything - so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable going to another Catholic singles event or "theology on tap" type thing, if I could find one geared more to my age group.

And while I didn't get into the histories of the people there, and while a few mentioned having kids, a few also mentioned that they had always been single. Since they seemed reasonably normal, I guess it's a little encouraging - that not everyone in their late 20's who is still single is not crazy or ugly, that there should be some reasonably normal people my age who are still single.

But the hard part remains finding them....

Now I just need to fi


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