mad anthony

Rants, politics, and thoughts on politics, technology, life,
and stuff from a generally politically conservative Baltimoron.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I hate when hot chicks turn out to be guys...

Last month, I was all psyched because a blogger named LibertarianGirl linked one of my posts. A hot chick, and one who lived in DC, an hour away from Mad Anthony (well, 4 hours if you're driving at rush hour), linking my posts. It was even better than the day I discovered I was on the blogroll of Moxie - especially since Moxie's blogroll is probably set to recipricate links automatically.

But alas, it turns out that libertariangirl is in fact a dude, and that the hot chick in the corner of her blog was ripped off of a russian mail-order bride site.

So alas, I can no longer brag about being linked by a hot chick. And bragging about being linked by a dude pretending to be a hot chick is kinda creepy.


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