mad anthony

Rants, politics, and thoughts on politics, technology, life,
and stuff from a generally politically conservative Baltimoron.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Shopping orgy...

For some reason, I've been making a ton of impulse purchases this month. It's all stuff I can use, but could live without, but I couldn't pass up at the price. My credit cards are screaming in pain- I'm not looking forward to my next statement - and I might need to dip into the old emergency stash.

So what has madanthony bought this month?

- a refurbed tom-tom GPS, $160 from Circuit City. I had a Pharos Drive 135 that I bought last year - and bsom hacked it into a makeshift tom-tom. Unfortunatly, it keeps losing it's settings, making it a brick-brick, and I seem to have deleted all the maps and lost the CD. So I bought the real thing. Only problem is I can't get it to stick to my windshield - I think I need to give it a good cleaning.

- A refurbed brown Zune, $85 shipped from woot. I haven't been a huge Zune fan, but $85 for a color screen, video-capable, 30 gig MP3 player is unbeatable - especially since Microsoft is going to give free upgrades to the Zune2 firmware, which will have a bunch of cool features. Plus, I can sell my current mp3 player - an 8 gig zen micro - for $40-$50 on the eBay - so I'm basically getting an additional 32 gigs of storage space for $40.

- A 12-pack of steel solar lights for $50 from Amazon. I currently have cheap plastic lights from harbor freight, and after a year or so, I have about two that still kind of work. I'm probably going to wait until spring to install them, though.

- A Toro leaf vac/blower - $55 after rebate from Amazon. Last year I kind of didn't rake my leaves until, well, spring. I'm hoping the vac will encourage me to take care of my leaf problem. Of course, it seems unfair - I don't have any trees, all the leaves are my neigbors or from common areas - but alas, that is the problem with home ownership.

- clothing. Since I lost some weight, none of my old clothes really fit me. I bought some stuff last year, but I still need more winter clothes, so I've bought a bunch of long-sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, ect.

So besides dipping into savings, how will madanthony pay for all his impulse purchases? Well, I should be able to get some money out of my old gps and mp3 player. I also still have my old ipod nano, which I finally got bsom to help me replace the battery on, which will also soon be going on eBay. I still have my old ps2, which I haven't used in years, which I keep meaning to sell but keep putting off, probably because it was my first big purchase after I got my job - damn sentimental value. I've also been selling off some of my fat-guy clothing on eBay - most has only gone for a couple bucks a lot, but I've had some lots do very well, and I figure it's better than just donating all of it - I get a few bucks and some positive feedback out of it.

Plus I've been putting in some overtime at work, and I have a hamfest coming up this weekend, and about $600 worth of uncashed rebate checks sitting on my desk. So I'm not ready to sell a kidney yet.

On the other hand, pretty soon I'll need to spend another bucket of money getting my front door replaced (I'm waiting until my next credit card billing cycle starts so I can get some float) and Black Friday is coming at the end of the month, and I usually spend a ton of money then (that I get back after rebates).

So it looks like getting my truck paid off is going to have to wait a little while.


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